Featured Products
Tuffa 30000L Plastic Bunded Diesel Dispensing Tank
(£16,993.20 inc VAT)
30000 litre plastic bunded diesel dispensing tank c/w 240v pump, flow meter, filter & automatic nozzle
from £14,161.00 ex VAT (£16,993.20 inc VAT)
Atlantis StoraFuel 40000 Litre Steel Bunded Diesel Dispensing Tank
Some Optional Extras available:
10m Hose Reel, Pump Upgrade, Roller Shutter Door, Fuel Polishing System.
Tuffa 30000L Steel Bunded Diesel Dispensing Tank
(£38,756.40 inc VAT)
30000L Bunded Steel Diesel Dispensing Tank
The 30000 litre (6600 gallons) steel bunded diesel dispensing tank is complete with an inner tank and bund for ultimate protection against leaks and spillages.
These tanks are manufactured in a strong mild steel which is extremely durable, weather-resistant with high impact strength. When properly installed, used and maintained these tanks have a life...
from £32,297.00 ex VAT (£38,756.40 inc VAT)